Hello there!
My name is Anton
I am a JVM, Rust and Android
I do Linux, web, scripting and a lot of other generic programming
Please use social links above to contact me and not some cringe scammer who has this site in
their Discord profile description, lol
Mastodon (todo)
Noita Utility Box: A collection of memory-reading utilities for Noita.
Specifically good for finding player coordinates in real time, which is useful
for.. things
Negative Streaks: A tiny engine mod for Noita that makes winstreaks go into negatives on
consecutive deaths.
Inspired by DunkOrSlam
nxml-rs: A port of a port of a.. of the NXML library to Rust.
It’s a library for parsing XML-like text with a focus on being 100%
compatible with Noita, which uses a simplistic hand-rolled XML parser that does
not comply with any specs in the slightest
pinkie: A tiny scoped-CSS-in-Rust-kind-of crate.
Inspired by maud
opal-uefi-greeter: A simple UEFI bootloader passthrough written in Rust that can unlock a
self-encrypting SSD and boot into whatever is on it.
chiseled-me: A mod for Minecraft that (in my extremely unbiased opinion) does the
“shrink/enlarge an entity ant man style” with least amount of jank.
At least it would’ve been like that if I kept working on it.
subpocket: Another minecraft mod I made - this one adds an infinite inventory storage to
bound to the player, with a quirk being that there are no slots, items can
overlap and you need to pixel-perfectly click on the item itself to interact
with it. Stack size is unlimited though
chronotube: A small Firefox addon I made ages ago and quietly use to this day.
It updates the URL of the tab playing YouTube/Twitch videos to include the
timestamp parameter - great for sharing links and to reload the page/restart
the browser